Our mission is to advocate for the rights afforded to all citizens such as: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of press, freedom of assembly, and the right to petition the government. We seek to protect these rights without being condemned, censored, harassed, threatened, persecuted, punished or bullied.


Anti-African Israelite hate groups appear to be on the rise and are moving to either stonewall or silence the truth of African Israelite identity by suppressing books, movies, and attacking authors, artists, and producers of such content using weaponized antisemitic claims.


Our vision is for all African Israelites in the US and abroad to have the right to worship, believe, exercise, and practice his or her  culture/religion without being condemned, persecuted, punished, harassed, attacked, or bullied.

African Israelite Justice Foundation

We pledge to serve our community with dignity, integrity, and excellence to the best of our ability!

Proverbs 11:1

"A False balance is an abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight."

Unequal Scales
Thank you for your Support!

African Israelite Justice Foundation, a Nonprofit Organization

Make a Stand for Israelite Justice!

Although the enemies of Israel are many, we however serve an omnipotent, all powerful Heavenly Father, YAH. It is through his grace and mercy that we are all still here today. Despite 400 years of hard bondage and oppression by the hands of the enemies of Israel, we’re still here.