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A Call to Action!

Recent attacks against African Israelite community beliefs, religion, culture, and rights have made it abundantly clear African Israelites lack an unified voice to stand against injustice. African Israelite hate groups appear to be on the rise and   are moving to silence the truth of African Israelite identity by suppressing books, movies, and attacking authors and producers of such content using weaponized anti-semitic claims. Additionally, these anti-African Israelite hate groups are attacking high profile black celebrities such as Kyrie Irving for simply posting a link to a movie which was not called anti-semitic before or during the time of his post. In fact, the movie referenced wasn’t called anti-semitic until two days after his original post. However he was persecuted, harassed, disrespected, and  suspended for a minimum of 5 games for his religious beliefs.

Proverbs 11:1

"A False balance is an abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight."

Unequal Scales

African Israelite Justice Foundation

Our vision is for all African Israelites in the US and abroad to have the right to worship, believe, exercise, and practice his culture and/or religion without being condemned, persecuted, punished, harassed, attacked, or bullied.

© Copyright 2023 African Israelite Justice Foundation. All rights reserved.